
  • Color-code Your WordPress Admin Bar to Distinguish Environments

    Color-code Your WordPress Admin Bar to Distinguish Environments

    Keep track of which environment you’re in and prevent cowboy coding in production.

  • How to Generate a DDEV Site Using Gitea Templates

    How to Generate a DDEV Site Using Gitea Templates

    Introduction Gitea is a great way to organize and manage projects. One feature that I use most is the template repository. You can use template repositories for anything from themes to plugins to configs. In this guide, you will create a template repository that will generate new WordPress sites in DDEV. Prerequisites Before you begin…

  • How to Display Business Hours with Today Highlighted

    How to Display Business Hours with Today Highlighted

    I was doing R&D for upcoming projects and noticed a very cool feature on Archetype Brewing, their business hours highlighted today. I wanted something I could easily drop into future projects so I decided to create this using WordPress Theme Options. In this guide, we will: When we’re finished, it will output the business hours…

  • How to Backup Sites That are Using WordOps

    How to Backup Sites That are Using WordOps

    WordOps is a great way to manage WordPress or any site using NGINX. All of my client sites are managed using WordOps and it’s one of the best tools to manage servers. Backups are a huge part of managing servers and it’s always good to have multiple ways of restoring a site/server. In this guide,…